Last Minute Decision
26, NovEmail Forward: Project on Nov. 28
ALL: The CCPP is buying a trucvk load of sweet potatoes from Eastern NC. Thsse are seconds and this is somewhat of a risk for us. But, we are doing this for 2 reasons, one- we only produced 55,000 lbls this year, far less than our goal, and two, we may find ourselves having to buy cheap potatoes rather than grow them. Why you might ask, cause, we are getting old and can no longer be as efficient as we once were.
Hopefully, this is what will happen. Truck arrives at Baptist Men's Work Camp and is unloaded Mon afternoon, Nov. 28. Tues morning we will box, bag, and ship potatoes to usual locations. Start at 8 to beat the rain.
Needed, trucks, boxes, bags (bring plastic ones from your favorite store). Move them out. Need several volunteers. If you know someone who needs food, this is a chance to meet those needs.
See you Tues.
Regards, doug