Potatoes can be picked up tomorrow at 1635 E. Dixon Blvd, Shelby.
These are the photos of the "Great Potato Happening" from this morning. The truck unloaded over 40,000 pounds of potatoes.
ALL: Thanks to several things working together, we picked up 40,000 lbs of sweet potatoes from Bailey's Farm in Chadbourn, NC last Thurs and Fri. We picked them up from a parking lot in Shelby, loaned to us by David Beam. Potatoes were transported to Shelby by Kerns Trucking Co. of Kings Mtn. This deal was negoiated by the Bryan Cave law firm of Charlotte. Some lady viewing a picture of all these potatoes in one pile on Facebook made the comment that it was the largest pile of sweet potatoes she had ever seem. A master of under statement.
Some hard working potato people plus some hired picker-uppers, had these potatoes off the ground by 3 p.m. on Fri., Now we need to pay for them. We have a bill for approx $2700, olr 8 cents per poung.
6 to 8 thousand lbes are still in trucks and trailers aroung the county. Do you know anyone who would like to have them? Let me know soon as possible. The extrems cold that is expected by end of week will not be good for them.
Thanks for your support of a small effort to feed needy people in our county.
Regards, doug