A gift of $30.00 will buy enough diesel fuel to operate a tractor for a day.
A gift of $40.00 will buy 100 lbs. of seed potatoes or 100 lbs. of fertilizer.
A $45.00 gift will buy 1000 sweet potato plants.
A $50.00 gift will pay for one person to work five hours removing weeds.
$550.00 will pay for enough seed potatoes and fertilizer to plant one acre of white potatoes.
$700.00 will buy enough sweet potato plants and fertilizer to plant one acre of sweet potatoes.
The gift of your time for planting, weeding, or harvesting will save labor cost and earn the volunteer a sense of satisfaction for helping a neighbor.
Call one of us!
It’s easy, simply send a check or other form of exchange to : Potato Project, c/o Charles Reed, 1175 Wyke Rd., Shelby, NC, 28150, USA
Mr. Reed, Missions Minister for the Greater Cleveland County Baptist Association, handles the fiduciary duties for the Project. A contribution to the Project receives the same tax treatment as any other gift to a 501(3)c non-profit. Our cost of production per pound ranges from 10 to 12 cents.